Janurary 3rd, 2020: Finishing 365 Course In Miracles Meditaitons for 2020.
I would of never guessed that I was going to do all 365 meditations for an entire year. It was an amazing
process and I do recommend it for anyone who is considering doing it for 2020. I did read the entire book in 6 weeks but
following the instructed methods of a daily meditation every day has a much different and deeper impact than just reading
the book straight through. I also read the book: "Disapperance of The Universe", first, as a prep book... which gives you
a lot of background to Course In Miracles before you dive into the book.
I'll leave you with a Course In Miracles Quote: "Time devoted to starting the day right does indeed save time."
Best Wishes and Love... no matter where you are on your journey or what you believe!
July 8th, 2019: The Update
I currently have made it to workbook lesson 190 in Course In Miracles. During lessons 185-190 I could sense a significant, deeper, shift towards peace. I can only describe it as if whatever energy layers where around my body have cleared and disappeared. It is as if the old energy has been removed. Further, I sense that I'm operating at a much more peaceful state.
Below, I give you some reflections of lessons 185-190:
The titles for the Workbook are as Follows:
Lesson 185: I want the peace of God. (The peace of God is yours.)
Lesson 186: Salvation of the world depends on me.
Lesson 187: I bless the world because I bless myself.
Lesson 188: The peace of God is shining in me now.
Lesson 189: I feel the Love of God within me now.
Lesson 190: I choose the joy of God instead of pain.
Quotes from lesson 188:
1. "It is not difficult to look within, for there all vision starts.
2. For what inward vision looks upon is your perception of the universe.
3. For it is we who make the world as we would have it."
Quotes from lesson 189:
1. "To feel the love of God within you is to see the world a new.
2. [" What would you see? The choice is given you... ...The Law of Seeing: You will look upon that which you see within. "]
3. The way to reach him is merely to let him be."
Quotes from lesson 190:
1. [" Pain is a sign of illusions reign in place of truth. It demonstrates God is denied. If God is real there is no pain. If pain is real there is no God. "
2. "It is your thoughts alone that cause your pain. Nothing eternal to your mind can hurt you in anyway. ... No One but yourself affects you.
3. The world you see does nothing. It has no effects at all. It merely represents your thoughts. And it will change as you change your mind, and choose the joy of God as what you really want.
4. Pain is illusion; joy, reality. . .Pain is but sleep; joy is awakening. . . Pain is deception, joy alone is truth."
5. [" The Only Choice: Choose between illusions and truth, or pain and joy, or hell or heaven. Free to choose our joy instead of pain, holiness in place of sin, the peace of God instead of Conflict. The Light of Heaven for the darkness of the World. "]
June 20th, 2019: Course In Miracles — Review, Snippets, and Contemplations...
[" The Course In Miracles is but an ancient truth that was known before the illusion seemed to claim the world. "]
"God is but Love, and therefore so am I."
"All things are echoes of the Voice for God."
[" Christ Strength,
Christ Power,
Christ Love,
Perfect Holiness.
Release anger, hate, fear, and cruelty,
For Love. "]
"God is but Love, and therefore so am I."
[" The words are just used to recall the mind, as needed, to its purpose. We place faith in the experience that comes from practice, not the means we use. We wait for the experience, and recognize that it is only here conviction lies. We use the words, and try and try again to go beyond them to their meaning, which is far beyond their sound. The sound grows dim and disappears, as we approach the Source of meaning. It is here that we find rest."] - Part I. Review V, ACIM
"God is but Love, and therefore so am I."